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Towards Distributed Statistical Processing --- Aquarium: A QUery And Reflection Interaction Using Magic: Mathematical Algorithms Generating Interdependent Confidences

Nils Langloh - Ron Cottam - Roger Vounckx - Jan Cornelis

Electronics Department (ETRO)
Brussels University (VUB)
Pleinlaan 2
1050 Brussels

This paper is origanlly published by Springer-Verlag as
N. Langloh, R. Cottam, R. Vounckx, and J. Cornelis. Towards Distributed Statistical Processing --- Aquarium: A Query and Reflection Interaction Using Magic: Mathematical Algorithms Generating Interdependent Confidences. In S. D. Smith and R. F. Neale, editors, Optical Information Technology, State-of-the-Art report, pages 309--319. Springer-Verlag, 1993.

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The examination of inherent defects in classical computing structures leads to the proposition of an intuitive computational machine based on distributed statistical processing. The implications of distributed processing and inter-model statistics are considered, and the usual fundamental requirement for computational inversion is discounted.

A possible form of primary relational database is proposed, and the possibilities of differential model-fit mapping and the auto-generation of model rules are suggested.

The desirable decomposition of computation into interrelational and decision-making processes presupposes an intermediate structure capable of linking the two in a bi-directional communicative manner. We propose a query-reflection architecture to achieve this and describe its required characteristics.

The pseudo-implementation of such a structure demands a statistical treatment of the combination of counter-propagating data and knowledge, which suggests a new approach to the design of fast optical computers.

Nils Langloh
Tue Jun 13 19:58:31 MET DST 1995