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Aquarium is a possible implementation of a structure which is conceptually one level higher than a neural network, and where the interactions could be more realistically described as Continuous Distributed Processing (CDP) rather than Parallel Distributed Processing (PDP).

The design of extremely fast optical computers would be better approached by reference to a wave interaction architecture of this kind rather than by building clocked discrete element parallel processor arrays.

Recent publications in the area of Genetic Algorithms and Genetic Programming show that purely digital simulations of structures which are related to simplified forms of Aquarium demonstrate not only that the inclusion of multiply-structured quality factors [3] improves the operation of algorithms, but also that in a large scale tree structure [4] the major remaining problems appear to be precisely those which are addressed by the non-logic-polarised continuously varying nature of Aquarium.

Nils Langloh
Tue Jun 13 19:58:31 MET DST 1995