Localisation and Nonlocality in Computation

Ron Cottam, Nils Langloh, Willy Ranson & Roger Vounckx

In press

Information Processing in Cells and Tissues, pp 197-202.
Edited by Mike Holcombe and Ray Patton
Plenum Press, New York, 1998, ISBN: 0-306-45839-X


            We present a review of the conditions prerequisite to the implementation of environmental-reaction computation. An archetypal form of such a processing machine is described, and conclusions drawn about the links between nonlocality, localisation and survival-computing. We proppose relationships between the characteristics to be expected of reactional computation and electrical and chemical "nonlocal" processes which are found to operate in the brain.


            This paper is a report of the initial stages of a project which is aimed at characterising the developments of computational formats which will be necessary if the current rapid advance in processing technology is to be maintained beyond the limitations likely to be imposed on digital techniques within the next 15 years. We approach the subject from an initially rather abstract point of view, only referring to biological comparisons later on, and present our arguments in a style more descriptive than analytical, in the interests of pictorial clarity rather than conclusive completeness.
