Ron Cottam, Willy Ranson and Roger Vounckx
The implementation of artificial information processing systems ultimately
depends on the nature of the rationality underlying system design itself. We
propose a new paradigm which can extend or replace formal logic, and which is
capable of supporting the development of hierarchical evolutionary metastates in
complex environments.
Entities can only fulfill their primary criterion of survival by computing
sufficiently rapid reactions to external stimuli, and to do so they must have
access to simplified internal models of their relationships with the
environment. Metastates characterizing these objectivisations correspond to
regions of the phase space where its contextual description can be reasonably
accurately reduced to a small number of degrees of freedom.
We maintain that all entities come into existence as quasi-particles by
progressive reduction towards communicational isolation from a common background
of diffuse chaotic nonlocality, and that this takes place through hierarchical
sets of metastates of decreasing inter-dimensional diffuseness into perceivable
localised forms.